Aww, just leave him alone already. He didn't do anything to deserve that. He can't help the way he looks.
On the bright side, if he becomes a cutter, he'll make perfect bite size pieces!
Would eating a blind carrot do anything for your vision or would it just cancel out the health benefits?
No joke, I hate parrots. This picture doesn't even make sense, I just hate them. Vicious, filthy, loud, obnoxious pets. Terrible. Those bastards would totally smoke if they had thumbs.
He's so lucky he lied and said he was a unicorn immediately after Noah scolded him. Smooth move, peacock.
my name is katie.
i draw things sometimes.
these drawings are consistently mediocre.
in fact, so mediocre, i chose to document them in a public forum.
welcome to that public forum.