Friday, April 30, 2010

no, i'm REALLY not suicidal, but how good does that diet pepsi IV look??

i got a blogger app for my iphone! i'm officially a yuppie! meet me at starbucks! i'll be wearing the l.l. bean and listening to dave matthews. weeeeee!!

check out my sick signature! it lets you know when i'm rubbing my privledged life in your face!

(pardon the temporary unprofessionalism. i posted this from my iphone. laugh it up!)

i almost forgot about mafia shark! he was my first documented doodle. he'll also ruin your day.


these are the whatleys! they're a pop-punk band from state college, pa and all-around great group of friends. this will be their milo (a la the descendents) when they're famous.

i spelled "indubitably" wrong.

olive oyl, what happened to your long legs?
this is a cry for help, wimpy.

it's like The Price Is Right... except it sucks and no one made t-shirts.

i've been super sick for the last two weeks. i've been told these are my options. great.

Make sure everyone knows you tried it! Just don't tell them where to get it, because, like, it's a big secret, and, like, we don't want everyone to know about it.

if this were one of my colored drawings, i would have made henry rollins red and in glasses.
i hope someone gets the reference.

man, that first kid's a dick.


"cellophane" is supposed to have 2 "l"'s! how embarrassing!!

go back to playing on your sidekick and using the word "rad".

note the giant blue spot in the middle of the drawing. see below the previous post and try to guess what i drew this on the back of!

this little baby stirred a lot of pots on 4/20. some people loved it, others hated it, i didn't care. allow me to clarify: it's not that i'm against smoking marijuana. i, myself, don't do it, but i am opposed to it being illegal as it wastes tax payer's time and money. if they found a way to cleanly grow, package, sell, and tax marijuana, it wouldn't be the problem it is today.
that being said, 4/20 is not a holiday.
but, hey, look at how crystal clear that water is! it's fresh and clean and bound to make for a good bong hit! not to mention that bright-ass stick-icky, nah'm say'n?

doodle 3 in the SWSUS. he was listening to ohia and it apparently made him wants to feed babies to sharks.

that's a pretty small tank for a shark, if you ask me.

another doodle in SWSUS. sean heard joe cocker A LOT that week. A LOT.

this is a doodle from an ongoing doodle series i like to call "the sean ward status update series"(SWSUS).
it's basically doodles based on certain status updates made by my boyfriend.

i forgot to add "blackberry with ugly cover"

lets be honest, i'm just bitter.


maybe it's just you, asparagus.

this is what my boyfriend, sean, must seem like when i describe him to my friends: a big, hairy, boisterous man who loves the flyers and chicken wings. he, however, is not a viking. YET.
he also has an affinity for star wars, iron maiden, and drumming, and as the color version of this photo (below) shows, he also enjoys not matching.

someone told me his camouflage shorts looked like outlines of steak. sean should probably own shorts with the pattern of steak outlines.

who owns an all white jogging suit anyway? you're just asking for it.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

i got another parking ticket on campus recently. this makes two this semester. if i get one more, i will have my parking permit revoked. TOO BAD I'M GRADUATING! stickin' it to the man!

ain't it the truth?

first post, eh?

this was the first doodle i decided to do one morning in my english 487W course.
but just look at this guy.
you know you've seen him before, but you more than likely didn't notice him.
he's crying for a high-five. i swear. just a smile, a "hello!", anything.
with sandals like that, wouldn't you?