Sunday, May 30, 2010

I drew this on a napkin at a bar while eating wings with friends. It was a heated debate. I used ketchup to color them in. Crafty, yes?

Friday, May 28, 2010

These two are such hard workers.

We had to go through some not-so-shining stars first though...

He took too many smoke breaks anyway

And this guy just went postal!

All in all, I'm happy with the Big Bopper and Mrs. Doubtfire. One is gonna take a business trip in a plane soon, so we'll see how that works out. And the other knows CPR!! Two great finds!

There is legitimately one of these guys on every college campus. Keep an eye out for him if you haven't seen him yet - he's there. I promise.

Got rid of the iPhone signature since it seems I only exclusively post from my phone anyway.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I know its a pretty busy drawing, but oh well! You get the point if you zoom in on the subtle details. Note my switch to a yellow legal pad. I'm exploring my mediums. What an artist!

(posted from my iphone. WHAT A NERD!)

Friday, May 21, 2010

What a visionary! The white man could never keep him down...
Oh, except for that white guy who shot him.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I graduated and then had to move. It's been a busy week of absolute misery.
(posted from my iphone. WHAT A NERD!)

It's true, don't act like it isn't.

(posted from my iphone. WHAT A NERD!)


(posted from my iphone. WHAT A NERD!)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Is that a dude or a girl? Who cares, it's probably gonna ruin any show you go to.

(posted from my iphone. WHAT A NERD!)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Look, more non-doodle art. This is Sean as a zombie. Once I'm not swamped with work, I'll be doing more zombie paintings of friends. This is acrylic on canvas.

(posted from my iphone. WHAT A NERD!)

Truer words have never been spoken.

Pardon my cursive. That second to last word is supposed to be "purest".

(posted from my iphone. WHAT A NERD!)

This looks like Rogue from X-Men + Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Marker and colored pencil.

My venture into drawing sailor tattoo pin ups. Colored pencil.

Mexican sugar skull. And the remnants of a failed sparrow. Pencil. (duh!)

Floating industrialize city. Marker and colored pencil.

On some rare occasions, I've been known to draw some alright stuff.

(posted from my iphone. WHAT A NERD!)

Friday, May 7, 2010

This is another one in the Sean Ward Status Update Series. I didn't really want to do this one, but Sean requested it. It turned out ok, I suppose. I just hope you all know what movie it's from. I'll be disappointed if you don't.

If you don't, google it!!
(HINT: check this post's tags)

(posted from my iphone. WHAT A NERD!)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Man, fuck that lizard. He knows you're waiting to watch him eat those crickets and he NEVER does. He waits til your phone rings or someone knocks at the door then he inhales those bastards. You buy those crickets and pay for the electricity that heats that rock. He at least owes you one feeding show! What an ingrate! GET A JOB, LIZARD!

I hear Sobe and Gieco are hiring.

(posted from my iPhone. WHAT A NERD!)

Well, this is just embarrassing.
Sex will never be a black tie event. Or a business meeting at the CEO's office.
... Ok, it might be on some rare occasions.

(posted from my iPhone. WHAT A NERD!)


I am kinda pissed that I set up this whole party and none of you showed. Now I have 3 pounds of pasta salad and a tub of guacamole that will never get eaten.

Who am I kidding? I'll eat all of it plus a stick of butter by tomorrow evening. I have nothing to live for.

(posted from my iPhone. WHAT A NERD!)

Cinco De Mayo is best celebrated alone. In your furniture-less apartment. While listening to radiohead's "creep" on repeat. While crying. Naked. While misspelling "mayonnaise" in the illustration of the occuring events.

I'll give you 3 guesses as to how I spent my Cinco fucking De Mayo.

My life is a joke.

On a more terrible-life-denying note, where on earth did I get that SMASHING sombrero!? The mustache is clearly homegrown, but that sombrero!? Forget about it!! And "ole"?! Since when did I learn Spanish?! Go me!

(posted from my iPhone. WHAT A NERD!)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

SCHOOOOOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER! SCHOOOOOOOLS OUT FOREVER!! (note: this song is only applicable if choosing option 2.)

(posted from my iPhone. WHAT A NERD!)

Sup, college?

(posted from my iPhone. WHAT A NERD!)

alternate title: "capslock: keep going, you're bound to win eventually."

(posted from my iPhone. WHAT A NERD!)

look at those rabbit ears. i apparently didn't get the memo that broadcasts have been switched to digital.

(posted from my iPhone. WHAT A NERD!)

Monday, May 3, 2010

this is going to be another series of mine. you all know there are things that every stereotypical white girl has said. this one may not be verbatim, but you all know a white who has said some variation of this exact phrase. she probably looks and talks like she's from staten island.
her fingers are generally not as large as the ones i drew. it just makes her look more in your face and abrasive - this is the exact effect she's going for.
what other things have you heard white girls say a lot!? i love ideas for doodles.

(posted from my iPhone. WHAT A NERD!)

i've never been that good at drawing guitars (or anything), but i'd say my blogspot friends' list is off to a good start.

i'd also say that those lyrics are most certainly a good summation of gaslight anthem lyrics. if you don't know who they are, pick up a vinyl of "sink or swim" or "seƱor and the queen", sit on a porch with a couple of beers after a day of manual labor, and spin those babies until you appreciate every star in the sky. then buy "the 59 sound" and listen to it while you drive down the nj turnpike at 2AM. you'll be good to go.

(posted from my iPhone. WHAT A NERD!)

Sunday, May 2, 2010


(posted from my iPhone. WHAT A NERD!)

the sad thing is is this is entirely true. my trashcan is sitting outside of my apartment, collecting more insects i'm sure. i'm currently using a trashbag tied to my freezer handle as a garbage receptacle. kudos to me.

(posted from my iPhone. WHAT A NERD!)